Monday, 6 October 2014

Hello World!

Hi world

This must be some kind of silence record for me, right? Well let's get a cup of chai and have a catch up.

What's new? Lots is new and different in my world. I'm now a resident of Holloway! Yes, that's right, I've moved from the borough of 'ackney and am now a fully fledged Islingtonite. I likes it in Holloway. Holloway isn't pretentious, it's just cool in it's own way, and I'm now the perfect distance to Camden so I can get my weekly fix without getting sick of it. My new place is a gorgeous Victorian house on three levels with a big kitchen and a big bathroom with...wait for it... A HUGE BATH! A little weird mayhaps to get excited about the size of a bath but the tub in the old place was gross and not good for relaxing and soaking your cares away. Interestingly, since being able to have a bath here, the aches and pains I'd been feeling for months in my legs from too much dancing and yoga has completely gone, aided and abetted by this amazing arnica salve from Neal's Yard. My getaway sticks feel transformed! No more limping and no more shin pain. S'nice.

The other new thing is a new job which I started about four weeks ago. I'm enjoying it a lot! It's been good to challenge my brain and feel busy and useful again. It's so easy to fall into the trap of doing something because it's easy or because there's little expectation of you, but I think that's a dangerous path to tread. You end up stagnating, and feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Who wants that? Seriously?! Everyone needs a reason to get up in the morning and to feel as though they've achieved something by the end of the day. It gives life purpose! 

Back-tracking a little to the new house, we have a garden here which Bo loves! He got into a fight the other day with one of the neighbourhood cats but only came off with superficial scratches (phew!) but the vet had to shave his eyebrow to have a closer look. As you can imagine, he was SUPER happy about that.

"I hate you so much right now"

See...SUPER happy. He's been tentatively venturing into the garden again but I think he has his marching orders as he doesn't wander far before coming back home. There's another black and white cat who comes into our garden who could possibly be the scratchy eyebrow  perpetrator, but on a dark night, it's impossible to tell difference between them. I've stood at the door calling Bo when Other Bo has appeared over the wall and then Real Bo follows shortly afterwards...I like to think they're playmates but who knows. One of the other neighbourhood cats has also made herself at home inside the house a few times...Apparently she's popped in and eaten the old housemate's sausage in the past. That's not a euphemism. Time to get a microchip activated cat flap methinks!

I don't want to bore you COMPLETELY to death (though I realise that yes, I've just written about houses, jobs and cats. Soz).

Next post will be about something more interesting...maybe...possibly... Let's just hope!